Nieuws:De Stichting op Castlefest Academy

From A. G. van Hamel Foundation
    •  za 
    • 03
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    • 2019

    •  zo 
    • 04
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    • 2019
  • workshop

De Stichting op Castlefest Academy

Datum bericht: 9 juli 2019
Lisse, The Netherlands Keukenhof

Castlefest is een groot en gevarieerd publieksevenement dat jaarlijks op de Keukenhof in Lisse plaatsvindt. De Stichting is uitgenodigd en zal deelnemen aan de Castlefest Academy met workshops Iers (zaterdag) en Welsh (zondag) en een panel over de Kelten. Informatie met de exacte data en tijden volgt nog.

Workshop Irish and Welsh

De stichting A.G. van Hamel is this year part of the Castlefest Academy. They will give a workshop Irish and Welsh language. It is a beginners workshop, you’ll learn the basics of the language that come in handy when travelling to Wales or Ireland.

Panel about Celts

With a panel of experts, the subject of Celts will be discussed. Questions as: Hoe Celtic are you? Are there any Celts in the Netherlands? Does the Celtic language still exist? will pass our panel.

You can ask your own questions as well, which will be answered on the spot. You may ask your question in Dutch, English, Welsh, Irish, French and German. It is also possible to mail your question beforehand to

The panel consists of Maire O’Shea, teacher and Irish native speaker, Dr. Linus Band, studied, worked, and lived in Wales and Dr. Ashwin Gohill (Chairman of Stichting A.G. van Hamel).